Cartoonist & Illustrator
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This is Hardcore (NSFW)

Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll! An erotic webcomic. The stories follow a punk rock band and the wacky situations they would get themselves into from drug use and voracious sexual appetites! Honestly, I loved working on this project. My goal was to create a more comedic slant rather than sexy one. Something closer to Porky's than Red Shoe Diaries.

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This is Hardcore-issue 01-PAGE06.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 01-PAGE07.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 02-WIPHardcore2Cover15.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 02-WIPHardcore2Cover02.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 02-Hardcore2page02.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 02-Hardcore2page03.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 02-Hardcore2page04.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 02-Hardcore2page05.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 02-Hardcore2page06.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 03-Hardcore3Cover(withtext).jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 03-Hardcore3Cover2WIP7(color).jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 03-Hardcore3Cover2WIP4(Daliah).jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 03-Hardcore3Pg06Toned.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 03-Hardcore3Pg07toned.jpg
This is Hardcore-issue 03-Hardcore3Pg08toned.jpg